May 21st, 2018 | Animation, Artwork, Blog

Designs and Unity Animation

A collection of varied work showing different art styles and my comfort with various applications.   UNITY WORK AND ANIMATION   CHARACTER PROPS SCENERY   COMMANDO PIGEON A proof-of-concept game I created available on the App ...

October 13th, 2017 | Artwork, Blog

Inktober: Battle Angel Alita

I made a quick drawing of Battle Angel Alita for Inktober. I’m hoping to contribute a few more images before the end of the ...

September 21st, 2017 | Blog

Unity 2D and C#

Hello all! Today I have been delving deeper into learning Unity. I have a basic game idea to use as my learning aid for Unity.  I did download 2D+3D Infinite Runner Engine created by More Mountains  from the Unity Asset Store. This is a great ...

Prince Pantone Color Courtesy of
September 7th, 2017 | Blog

Pantone Now Has a Color Inspired by Prince

And of course it's purple.   This is not a bad thing.  At least for me.  Purple is my favorite color.  Prince and I had a lot in common.  We both like(ed) purple.  And we both are on the shorter side.  And... yea so that's about ...

September 6th, 2017 | Blog


Hello all and welcome to the blog section of my site. I plan to post at least two times a week. These include topics such as different aspects of art and art creation, video games, movies, television, cars, and various other musings.  What will be ...