Twin Stick Shooter Artwork

Some artwork and an alpha look at a twin stick shooter created in

July 31st, 2018 | Animation, Blog, Portfolio, StoryBoards

First Animatic

This was my first attempt at storyboarding for TV animation, and creating an ...

August 14th, 2017 | Artwork

Various Unused Sketches

A peek of various sketches that went

August 1st, 2017 | Artwork

Older Styled Cartoon

An image from my sketchbook of a traditionally-styled cat drawing with some modern touches. I wanted a cat villain who was disguising himself like a dog, and had a hypnotic tail that looked like a cobra ...

March 25th, 2017 | Artwork

Redwall Inspired Sketches

A Redwall inspired sketch.  I have a plan for some more designs for a future